Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Where was I?

Where was I?
Probably lost and disappeared into the viscous cycle of daily routine. And lazy enough to find my way back...
Probably getting way to comfortable with the kind of life an IT sector offers you with. If you know what I mean - wake up, go to office, cut copy paste, come back home, spend some time in front of the idiot-box and entertain yourself with facebook, and finally sleep exhausted after being bored of an unproductive day.
But then its not just me. 90% of us -Indians- are doing the same. What can I say. I was born in a generation where every second person I know is working in a so called Infosys.

Well, after stumbling upon my long neglected blog I tried to find excuses but nothing seemed to be good enough! Thought the year was not as non-creative as I might think it was. I completed two oil paintings, tried my hands on baking a few cup cakes and cookies, completed my honeymoon scrapbook, in the process of going 'M' with my camera and learning the basics of post-processing, traveled to places far and near, old and new, shifted two houses, read a few books and the list goes on... But still I kept myself away from my dairy and blog, for reasons unknown. Maybe I just wasn't in mood. Maybe there wasn't anything to ramble about. Maybe I wasn't in mood.

Anyhow. Here I am. All refreshed and guilty. Will make an effort to blog more often!!
Till the next post.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Surprise Surprise!

Its been a year since I have known my husband and I wanted to do something special to celebrate this day... More than celebrate, I wanted to do surprise him with something.. Since, we both love surprises, I always try to do something or the other and keep it as a surprise.. :) This one is going to be a super duper hit since he has absolutely no clue about it! And to think about it, he doesn't even remember that its our special day today.. So, this is what I did..

I cut some 200 pieces of droplet shapes out of chart paper. I wanted blue and white chart to denote water, but I couldn't find white. So, I ended up with blue and yellow.. Next I wrote some cute message or some memory of us on every cut out piece.. I must say, this took a lot of time, because thinking of 200 things is definitely not an easy task! Once that was done, I started waiting for today morning. After he left for work, I spread these pieces all across our room, stuck few on the wall and even hung a few from the roof. I stuck one on the door with a cute message saying how this one year has been very amazing and closed the door. And, voila! 

Now is the fun part.. My husband reaches home before me.. So, I will leave it to him to discover the little surprise.. But the sad part is, I won't be there to see his reactions and expressions.. Nonetheless, I am sure he will give me a call.. :) :)

Also, I am planning to take a small pastry home to celebrate.. :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Why me?

Gosh! Yet another boring day at work.
Sometimes I wonder why am I so unlucky when it comes to jobs. Infosys was crappy. I spent literally an year doing nothing. But then I had my MBA preparations to take care of that time. And now again, somehow, definitely my bad luck, I ended up in another crappy job!! I come to office, sit, browse random stuff and go back. There is absolutely no work. And neither is my boss willing to give me any KT or any work. There is a limit as to how many times I should approach him and ask him for work.
Definitely its time for me to find a new job. I can't sit like this and waste my days. Neither am I learning anything nor will this help me in my career. My level of frustration is just increasing day by day...
Now that the house is set, I have finally settled myself into a new routine, I will try and make some time to work on my resume and other stuff.
I have to get out of here. I have to find a new job!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Prewedding Blues

I doubt if there would be any bride in this whole wide world who won't go through this stage, this weird feeling just before her wedding. I am no exception..

There was a time when I used to laugh upon Anxiety, challenging him to do whatever was in his power. But slowly, through the darkest route ever, he crept into my life, making me his slave. I do what he says, I speak what he makes me say, I freak out when he wants me to. He makes me cry, me makes me worry, he makes me finicky. I am shit scared. A zillion thoughts cross my mind every nano second. I try hard to break open the cage I have been thrown into and run away some where safe, but nothing works. 

And all along these tough times, I see a cute little birdie coming and happily chirping around my cage, as if saying - everything's gonna be just fine. This gives me the strength, patience and the will-power to go with the flow. It whispers that my prince is just around the corner. I am sure he would come and carry me away into the world of a happily married life... 

PS: Less than a month to go for the wedding and I have just realized that I still don't have a wedding saree!! Who the hell won't freak out?

Friday, March 9, 2012

You shall be missed!

It is finally sinking in. Isn't it?

It all started when the posters were pulled out one by one. And the bags were brought down to be filled one last time. It over. Its all over!
Every moment seems to be the last one. The last maggi party, the last bakkar session, the last IP spam, the last party, the last walk to the acad block, the last meal in the cafe, the last juice from Kailash, and the last this and that.. Even the irritating loud music of Lukha gang seems to be the last one.
Will I miss all this? Hell yes! It so happens that as soon as you get used to a lifestyle, used to a way of life, life spins around and everything changes.
What did I get here? A lot of things. To start with an MBA degree, which was my dream since I learnt to be ambitious. Awesome set of friends. Beautiful memories. A positive attitude. Learning to live in any situation, under any circumstance, and to come out winning!
Last few hours here. My heart is heavy. Good-byes are in the air. All I know is that I had the time of my life these two years and I am going to miss all this.

GIM - You shall be missed!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Creativity and Innovation..

How can you teach someone to be creative and innovative? Well, for that you will have to attend my Creativity and Innovation lectures. Our professor is trying really hard to squeeze out all our creative juices. And the best part is, it is fun and pointless at the same time. There are in class surprise quizzes with questions like - come up with 3 new flavors of ice-cream and sandwich, write a poem, write a story in 6 words (this can be interesting. Eg - She fell from roof & never landed), etc etc. 
But I still wonder, how does he mark us based on our answers, for what I feel even a random piece of shit can very creative in someone's eyes. Creativity as a topic is all perspective, which changes from person to person!

Anyways, the other day he gave us an assignment to create a new creature which can be a hybrid or a totally new thing. Asked us to detail it out. Draw its picture. 
How on earth do you come up with new real living purposeful creatures? But an assignment is an assignment, and as MBA grads we have the ability to create anything and everything! 

Warning: Please don't be amazed by our thought process!!!

Meet our invention (even though its just on paper. :P) : CHIROTUS

Its a creature that helps us solve traffic problems! It flies us from one destination to another. We sit in between the two humps and fly with it. We wanted it to eat plastic for its survival, but we dropped the idea (as it didn't sound real. Hehe) and made it herbivorous. It rolls its feet while flying. To defend itself from its enemy, it spits out a blinding spit. It makes you happy. Takes in CO2 and gives out oxygen. Etc etc.. And guess what, we even gave it a sound!

Well, being creative can definitely be fun!

That time of the year!

It is THAT time of the year again!
The white winter is about to fade away and the summer is coming along with its bag full of bright colors. Days are not very hot and nights are not very cold. The fan swirls at its comfortable steady pace. The cool breeze on your face at mid-night gives you sweet shiver and makes you wanna wear your favorite sweatshirt and long of a steaming cup of hot chocolate. It is the period that marks the end of January and the beginning of February... My favorite time of the year!

But this time, its much more special, for a whole lot of special reasons. This year, I have been longing for that rendezvous more than a steaming cup of hot chocolate. Wanting to wear that special cozy jacket more  than my favorite sweatshirt. Longing for those weekend getaways and nice nice things that has filled me with the world's happiness. This year its all about that special feeling which is making me glow more and more.
And the best part is, I get the chance to celebrate what I had been wanting to since like ever. And as that special day, which is always filled with so much of love, is approaching closer and closer, I can see my excitement doubling and tripling and jumping out from its confined space to some place high up in the air.

Finally! Its that time of the year, which would be the prettiest of all, in years that went by and in years to come! :)